(吉林省档案馆)(Jilin Provincial Archives)
日军在占领区采用十分严格的信件检查制度,在华日军和家属之间的信件,会被宪兵队检查官秘密打开,只要记录战场真实情况、有可能“影响军心”的信件,就被付之一炬。但烧毁前,检查官会将信中内容抄录留档,而这些留档的信件中,就有记录日军奴役“慰安妇”及反映“慰安所”的具体情况。Japanese troops adopted a strict censorship of letters in the occupied territories, and correspondence between the Japanese military and their families would be opened secretly by military police censors; any letter recording the real situation in battlefields that might "affect the morale of the troops" was burned. But before burning it, censors would copy the contents of the letter on file, and these letters on file contain the details that recorded Japanese military’s enslavement of "comfort women" and the situation of the "comfort stations".
一件系驻开封日军第八四野战局渡边队户村英雄昭和十六年(1941年)二月一日写给东京本所区真砂町三六清如寮吉田保的信件摘抄,记录了在军队管理的“慰安所”, “慰安妇”随部队移动的特殊生活状态。信件被做“削除”处理,即将信件中有关“慰安妇”的内容开了“天窗”。One document was an excerpt from a letter from Hideo Tomura of Watanabe Squadron in Japanese Army Eighty-fourth Field Office stationed in Kaifeng written on 1 February in Showa sixteenth year (1941) to Yasu Yoshida at Yoshida Hut 36, Masago-cho Honjo-ku, Tokyo. The letter recorded the special living conditions in a "comfort station" managed by the army, where "comfort women" moved with the troops. The letter was censored, i.e. the content concerning the "comfort women" was "deleted".
Another document was an excerpt from a letter that Kochi Kitabori in the headquarters of Hagiwara Unit, Harada troops, Kenjou forces stationed in Kaifeng wrote on Showa sixteenth year (1941) to Hatsuo Kobayashi of Oaza Kanmaemura Hiki-gun, Saitama Prefecture. The content of the letter reflected the abnormal living conditions and state of mind of a young Japanese soldier who hoped to keep his virginity, but he lowered his self-esteem in the army, and went to seek pleasure with Korean "comfort women" at the military field "comfort station”, ultimately suffering from venereal disease. The letter was censored, i.e. the content concerning the "comfort women" was "deleted".